Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What do you do in times of desperation?

When I'm feeling overwhelmed,
like life has spun so fast that my body clenches and every vein, muscle and tendon can't relax,
I keep breathing.
I hug a friend.
I pour a glass of wine
and remind myself I can only change what is mine.
I remember happier times of more control.
relax, I say,
you're doing fine.

This Saturday, September 19th, you are invited to experience a night of
campfires, hobo-tech, 5¢ cabarets, big-band jazz, cheap whiskey, accordion
orchestras, tent-cities, desperate moments, fire-eating, kisses from
strangers, aerial acts, glimpses of nudity, bathtub gin, a breathtaking
sunrise and a dozen dj's in an all night celebration of the grit, beauty
and desperation of an all-too-familiar past.

Welcome to:
Nineteen Thirty Three

9pm through 9am
Saturday, September 19th
Starting at: 260 Meserole St., Bushwick Brooklyn

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