No. 7. Newfoundland saves Napoleon
Napoleon Bonaparte owed his life to a nameless Newfoundland. As Bonaparte fled the island of Elba in 1815, where he was exiled, choppy seas pitched him overboard. A fisherman's dog jumped in after the drowning despot and kept him afloat. Napoleon lived to experience his own defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.

Ten dogs that changed the world
Newfies, known for jumping out of helicopters and rescuing drowning fishermen, are excellent swimmers. They come equipped with webbed feet and water resistant coats.
Famed photographer, Bruce Weber, published a book dedicated to the Newfoundland, called Gentle Giants
Lord Byron adored his pet Newfoundland dog, Boatswain. The monument to his beloved pet's memory still stands in the garden of Byron's ancestral home, Newstead Abbey, in Nottinghamshire, England. Click here to read his memorial
"A man is not a good man to me because he will feed me if I should be starving, or warm me if I should be freezing, or pull me out of a ditch if I should ever fall into one. I can find you a Newfoundland dog that will do as much." Henry David Thoreau
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