Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it. ~D. H. Lawrence~
As climate alarmists from all over the world head to Bali to talk about the sacrifices regular folks have to make to save the planet from global warming, it seems certain media will ignore all the private jets clogging the tiny airport.
As if it’s not enough that the United Nations Climate Change Conference is being held at what NewsBusters reported as "a truly beautiful tropical island paradise," the management of the nearby airport has issued a warning to attendees that they are going to have to park their private jets somewhere else.
I kid you not.
As reported by Bali Discovery Tours on November 3 (emphasis added):
December first marks one of the first real winter nights in N.Y.C. It’s fucking freezing outside as we race to find cabs to take us to Terminal 5, the new music venue located at
Ween’s been around for as long as I have been alive. They are a funky, chameleon like rock band who have adapted a century’s worth of music into their own unique style. They pull different elements together from swing music to metal to create their wildly eclectic and anarchic style. Their rainbow of vibes draws a very free-spirited and wide-ranging crowd. From older couples, balding retired frat boys, preppy financiers from
We found the non-VIP VIP spot, located a foot above the entire standing audience on the first floor right in front of the back bar. With a clear view in front of us, dancing room, and booze behind us, we decided we were never moving.
They went on around
As Justin and I ducked into the crowd to light up a bat we were warned by the friendly chubby bald men to our left, “Hey watch out, this place has crazy midget security guards.” Midget security guards?! The people who run this venue are genius! No stoner would ever expect a midget to come karate kicking the bowl out of your hand from two feet below you!
And now for the climax. Claude Coleman Jr.’s drum solo was out of this world. The first half was unbelievable and then he simply dropped his sticks and started banging the drums and cymbals with his own bare hands. I wish we could somehow figure out how to upload videos because then you will have some idea of how much the drummer was rocking out. He was unbelievable. He’s been with the band all along and this rockstar even teaches drums, guitar, bass and vocals at
My favorite quote of the night: I asked Dylan if I could borrow his lighter, and said “Is that cool?” To which he replied with squinty eyes and a wide smile, “Everything’s cooooool.”
Also side note, this random Brazilian dude in the bathroom line with me was wearing a really hot shirt by designer Robert Graham. Check them out here
---NINJA COURTNEYAccording to the Audubon Magazine, “Corks are 100 percent natural, recyclable, and biodegradable.” Wine and
Mail your wine corks to:
Yemm & Hart Ltd
Sources: http://audubonmagazine.org/features0701/habitat.html
You Belong in London |
A little old fashioned, and a little modern. A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock. A unique soul like you needs a city that offers everything. No wonder you and London will get along so well. |
From Forbes News Reports:
New York, NY (Tuesday, November 6, 2007) – Today Investopedia.com (www.investopedia.com), the leading Web site for investor education, debuts a special feature about “Green Investing.” The in-depth package includes a combination of more than 50 articles, commentary, terms and frequently asked questions, providing valuable information and insight about “investment activities that focus on companies or projects that are committed to the conservation of natural resources.” The special feature is available at:
Highlights include:
· Articles, such as “What Does It Mean To Be Green?,” “The Biofuels Debate,” and “Evaluating Green Equity Investments”
· Commentary, offering perspective on topics like “Five Green Mutual Funds You Need To Know” and “Finding Profit in Hybrid Cars,” among others
· Most popular questions, ranging from “What are green investments?” to “What is a clean tech stock?” to “What is the carbon trade?,” plus more
· Terms to know, including “Green Tech,” “Energy Improvement Mortgage,” and “Sinful Stocks,” to name just a few
For this, and a wealth of invaluable investor and financial information, including Investopedia.com’s special feature on “Subprime Mortgages,” visit:
Wake up and smell the capitalism mixed with shade grown coffee.
Bazelon describes the “imperfect Hillary parallel” wherein
People are awed by a woman who has children and is back running on the track before the doctor can cut the umbilical cord. And why shouldn't they be, a woman such as Radcliffe has commit quite a feat. It’s not that I think we shouldn’t applaud Radcliffe for her dedication to her sport, but like Thomas, I still feel uncomfortable with the reason she is an emblem of success. Something about the idea of beating out the femaleness (Ok, no more “nesses,” I promise) out of a mother feels wrong and I believe it's at least partially missing the point of feminism. How can we make room for a myriad of types of women, without marginalizing anyone's choices? I’d like to know how other women answer these questions. How do you reconcile your passions with something like a biological clock?
Bloomberg reported today that model Gisele Bunchen is requesting to be paid in any currency other than our dear greenbacks. This story is obviously the conjuring of a Brazilian reporter doing his best to make deadline on a slow news day. Unfortunately for us, its existence is as much of an indicator of the utter lack of global confidence in the dollar as the fabricated story itself.
-gleamBrazilian Greenpeace activist turned fashion designer, Adriana Bertini has spent the past ten years creating dresses, skirts, and suits made entirely from quality test rejected condoms.
Props to Adriana for using condoms that would otherwise end up in a land fill and simultaneously raising AIDS awareness.
On whether or not she'd actually wear the dresses:
Katita says,"id love to say i would....but i dont think i could wear a condom dress"
"We’re feeling a bit dazed from it all…It’s so mad that you can sit in your kitchen and launch this insanity…but [the album] seems to have gotten