Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Orleans Quotations and a mini-lesson in traditions + acoustioptics

Life looks like how you paint it and is whatever inspires you.

DDBB sounds like what a French military style funeral would sound like after 4 po-boys and a case of bourbon. A rich, creamy donut that makes you want to get down and dance to the funk.

I felt exposed; adversely affected; by the shoulders that surrounded me.

I’m not so rested, but I’m battle tested.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Ripped Love Letter Found on the Street

you write to me
w’s everything?
Sherman. I hope your
s through. Its been two
high fever and diaheria
loving in here without you
Please come & make my day. How’s your job? I hope you don’t think of me as a selfish person for all this. I know and you know I am now selfish. I am doing this because I am in big trouble and you are the only one who can help me out. I love you & I need you more than anyone or anything right now. I promise you if you come everything would be perfect and wonderful. I want to stay in Bangladesh forever and live my life here with you. You and I have enough wealth to survive. So, why not? Please, Sherman, come and see how beautiful things will be.
Sherman, I am begging you and will beg more if you want me to. I don’t know if my writing means anything to you or not. But believe me if you tell me to kill myself in order for you to come I will. I will at least get to see you before death.
We don’t need to buy anything for our wedding from U.S. except for the jewelry and some makeup product and all other stuff will be from here. I been to few weddings in here & realized how less $we need for a wedding but can be a perfect wedding with less money compare to U.S. I don’t know how can I explain more to you. I hope my feelings & my words means as much it means to me and as much as it makes
Me happy. Wow
You want to see
Every might I pra
To have a great life.
So, stay well & happi
Me. Just be happy
If you want make me happy in this life maybe you can make me happy after life.
Love always & forever
Your unlucky &cheap girl

P.S. If possible try to send me some money about $300 to $400 dollars at this account #
This account is located in Mithapur the same address as I wrote. My address with send the money as my father does from a travel agency or something. You know that people who does exporting & importing or money business. I still didn’t get any letter from you but I still write to you & I will. I hope you will do the same instead of waiting for me to write or receive my letter.

The name of the Bank is

Thursday, April 9, 2009

registering a sense of time through light and shadow.

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Mother's Energy

"You are, after all, genetically, half your mother and half your father. (Actually, you are slightly more your mother, since the genes in your mitochondria, the energy power centers of your cells, are inherited exclusively from your mother.)"
-Ray Kurzweil in his book, "Transcend"